
2 min readFeb 5, 2021
Diamondhead in Hawaii. Beautiful boy

Currently listening to Driver’s License by Olivia Rodrigo. Pretty valid, not my total favorite. Vibes Mark XVI is becoming a pretty solid playlist.

Just got back from Hawaii a couple days ago. Was an awesome 9 day trip with the father and sister.

Classes are off to a great start. Doing Russian and Computer Security. Only the second week right now. Not too bad.

Really getting into Clubhouse. Convinced a lot of my friends to join. It hasn’t reached mainstream yet. I was early to TikTok. Early to this one too?

Brianna has been really bratty recently. She’s going through something and her mood changes so quickly. The other day she wanted me to apologize for the last 18 years of her life. She thinks I was hard on her? Maybe a bit dramatic. Currently monitoring the situation.

Might email a startup to tell them I am interested in working for free. Really coasting through life right now. 18 year old Corbin would have never accepted this stagnation.

I just started a new publication called BetterThan. Doing it more because I really enjoy writing and learning this type of content. The thing that scares me most about working at McKinsey is that everyone is expected to be perfect. At the same time, that’s really the only thing that energizes me.

Right now, I am working out aggressively and really taking the time to understand myself. I need to work on the little things. Reach a real harmony with myself before truly going out into the world.

The sad thing about the world is that no one really cares about you. In high school, college people would care because it was this closed environment. I kinda thrived in that. In the real world, you leave a job or move and no one cares. No one is popular, liked or anything else. They just exist in this sadness. Family fixes this because you have kids. Never really the same though.

I missed out on GME. Monitoring ETH and BTC. In for about 10 percent of my total net worth. I’m not broke (13K+), but my money can leave rather quickly.

I need to win the rat race, so I can leave it.

